film by Emil Novák | 30 min | documentary film | (2022)
Story: Madách's biographers, especially Menyhért Palágyi, report on the sad period of the poet's life, which he spent in Austrian prisons in 1852-53. From the spring of 1852, Madách hid János Rákóczy, former secretary to Kossuth, who was sentenced to death by an Austrian military tribunal in 1851 for his activities during the War of Independence, first at his estate in Csesztve and later at his estate in Sztregova. A vile informer leads the Austrian police to the fugitive, who managed to escape in time. Instead, the gendarmes dragged Madách and István Bory, the officer in charge of the Sztregova estate, off to prison.
Main cast: Dr Csaba ANDOR, Géza BODOLAI, Dr István FAZEKAS, Dr Róbert HERMANN
Director: Emil NOVÁK Producer: Csaba PÉK Editor: Máté VÁRADI Sound: Attila TŐZSÉR
Production Company: Filmkontroll Distribution: Filmkontroll Supporters: National Film Institute Hungary, Hungarian Film Incentive